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Student Employment Policies and Procedures


Updated 11/13/2023

University of Miami employers and student employees are required to adhere to established federal, state and local employment regulation practices.

Click on the links below for detailed information on:

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination in employment practices against a qualified person based on disability. The ADA, effective July 26, 1992, requires employers to consider a person with a disability who satisfies the requisite skill, experience and education, and who can, with or without accommodations, perform the essential functions of the job. An employer is required to ensure that the application process does not serve to screen out persons with disabilities. This includes the interview, during which an employer may ask if an applicant can perform the essential functions of the job and how. Job posting must include the essential functions of the job. Rejecting an applicant because reasonable accommodations will have to be made is prohibited. The ADA does not interfere with an employer's right to hire the best qualified applicant; it only requires that all applicants be considered equally, without regard to disabilities. Under the ADA, an employer is required to make "reasonable accommodations" for a qualified individual with a disability, unless the accommodation would impose an undue hardship on the employer.

Because of the part-time nature and frequently short duration of student employment, the Office of Student Financial Assistance and Employment in conjunction with the Office of Environmental Health and Safety of the University of Miami prohibits student employees from performing tasks in which exposure to potentially infectious materials may occur. Exceptions to the above policy may be granted upon review by the Office of Environmental Health and Safety. These students should follow the same policies and procedures under the UM Bloodborne Pathogens Policy and Procedures (Exposure Control Plan). Classification of the position other than category II.B will invoke the training, HBV Vaccination (approximately $200), and all other requirements of the regulation. Exposure to potentially infectious materials means likely contact with skin, eye, mucous, membrane or parenteral contact, resulting from the performance of an employee's duties. For more information contact the Office of Environmental Health and Safety (305) 243-3400.

The University has set out in its Drug-Free Campus/Workplace Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Notification the standards of conduct and the possible penalties and legal ramifications for unlawful substance use and abuse; information pertaining to the health risks associated with unlawful substance use and abuse; and education and treatment programs available to faculty, staff, and students.

It is the policy of the University of Miami to maintain a safe and healthy environment for all employees, patients, students, and visitors of the University. As such, the University prohibits the use, possession, distribution, or being under the influence of alcohol or any controlled substance. The possession, manufacturing, distribution, use, abuse, or sale of unlawful substances, or the misuse of prescriptions drugs are also prohibited. It is the responsibility of the University community to know and understand the related policies and laws, as well as the health risks involved with substance use and abuse.  

Any employee or student found to have abused drugs or alcohol in the workplace or campus shall be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with University policies and any applicable University processes and sanctions.

Student Employees and Student Employees' supervisors must comply with the University of Miami's Human Resources Employment of Relatives (nepotism) policy as stated under the Clerical/Technical/Service policy under the University of Miami's Human Resources General Policy (B020): Employment of Relatives (nepotism).

It is the policy of the University to provide equal employment opportunity to all applicants and employees. The University prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, age, disability, marital status, familial status or other protected classification. This prohibition includes harassment based upon any of the aforementioned protected classifications, including sexual harassment, which is a form of sex discrimination. The Office of Workplace Equity & Performance is responsible for coordinating the University’s effort to implement the nondiscrimination policy and can be contacted at: Gables One Tower, Suite 355, 1320 S. Dixie Highway, Coral Gables, FL 33146; 305-284-3064;

The Florida Right-to-Know Law mandates an employer's obligation to inform employees of the toxic substances to which they are exposed in the work place, and to provide training in safe handling practices and emergency procedures. Student employees who are or who could potentially be exposed to hazardous chemicals must be informed of their rights under the law and of the specific safety procedures necessary to work with these materials. Contact the Office of Environmental Health and Safety at (305) 243-3400.

Final hiring decisions are made by each individual UM department, community agency and/or outside entity. Students may accept or reject a hiring offer and are not required to return to a position after a job-assignment period is over. Hiring decisions are made in mutual agreement between the supervisor/employer and the student. UM departments, community service and/or outside entities are not required to re-hire students beyond the assignment period originally agreed to or beyond the end of the term period (academic and/or summer terms) whatever comes first.

The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) is a federal law enacted in 1994 to improve the criminal justice and community-based responses to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. The reauthorization of VAWA (2000, 2005, and 2013), along with the the Campus SaVE Act and the Jeanne Clery Act, have worked together to improve the safety of college campuses and enhance the outlook for abuse victims.

The University of Miami is committed to maintaining a safe and secure work and academic environment, free of any form of sexual misconduct, including domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, and sexual harassment. A violation of the Violence Against Women Act shall constitute grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from the University.

Student employees are to notify the supervisor no later than the beginning of the scheduled work period when he/she is unable to work. In case of an extended absence, the anticipated duration should be reported to the supervisor as soon as possible. Student employees are responsible to notify his or her supervisor of an expected absence on a scheduled work day due to the observance of a religious holiday as described in the University of Miami Bulletin. Supervisors have the right to request a doctor's note if the student has or will be absent for several days as a result of an illness. Students are expected to adhere to their work schedule. In cases where work interferes with a student's academic responsibilities resulting in excessive* tardiness or absences, it may be necessary to dismiss the student from the job assignment.
*the definition of what constitutes excessive is to be determined by the supervisor depending on the job requirements and responsibilities, however, it should be clearly communicated to the student employee along with consequences.

Prospective and current student employees who process, transmit, or store credit/debit card information as part of their job duties are required to complete a background check (Level 1 criminal background check) PRIOR to hiring into the position. Student managers must complete the Level 1 Background Check Form. The student may NOT be hired in Workday for that position until the LEVEL 1 check is completed and cleared. Once your candidate has cleared, the student manager will receive an email from the Office of Student Financial Assistance and Employment. Student Employee cannot be hired in Workday for that position until the Manager and/or the contact person receives authorization of clearance. 

Student-employees with job descriptions that include supervision, care and/or contact with minors (other than University of Miami students) must complete a LEVEL 2 Background Check which includes criminal background check and fingerprinting PRIOR to hiring into the position. Student managers must complete the Level 2 Background Check Form. The student may NOT be hired in Workday for that position until the LEVEL 2 background check is completed and cleared.

If a department has reason to believe that a discipline check should be conducted prior to offering a student position, please request a discipline record check from the Dean of Students by submitting a Departmental Discipline Record Check. The student needs to be informed that a discipline record check will be performed.

In keeping with the University of Miami Human Resources policy for non-exempt (hourly) employees, student employees working 7.5 hours a day may take a half-hour (non-paid) lunch break. Employees working 4 consecutive hours a day are entitled to a fifteen-minute, paid break.

Breaks may not be taken at the beginning or end of the work period and are not cumulative. The supervisor determines when breaks are to be taken.

Student employees are hired for a specified time period, usually, but not necessarily in accordance with the University academic calendar. Student assignments end at the end of the specified time period. Supervisors and students are not required to renew the work assignment after the end-day of an assignment. Student employees are terminated immediately from an assignment if the student employee is no longer a student at the University of Miami (not financially registered during fall/spring semester; not a degree seeking students with intentions to return to the University following a period of not-enrollment, such as end-of-year holidays and summer terms, and/ or graduation. If a student employee violates any established University rules and regulations that would be immediate grounds for termination of work assignment.

Other reasons for terminations are:

  • Excessive and/or unauthorized or patterned tardiness or absenteeism.
  • Failure to comply with University or departmental policy or regulations.
  • Refusal to follow instructions of the duly assigned supervisor; i.e., insubordination.
  • Use of vile, intemperate or abusive language, fighting, pushing, making a threat, or acting in a threatening manner to any University employee, student or visitor, or in the presence of a patient, student or visitor.
  • Negligence resulting in damage or defacement of University property.
  • Destruction of, falsifying, or omitting information on employment records, University records, or non-University records.
  • Sleeping while on duty.
  • Illegal or immoral conduct on or off University premises which would bring unfavorable attention to the University.
  • Failure to disclose an arrest or conviction occurring after the date of hire. Please see ARREST section further back in this policy.
  • Unauthorized possession, use, copying, or reading of University records or unauthorized disclosure of information contained in such records to persons without direct need to have this information.
  • Unauthorized access or use of University computing, telephone/voice mail systems, hardware or software, or any other violations referenced in University policies.
  • Absence for three consecutive days without properly notifying the University.
  • Failure to report to work upon expiration of an approved leave of absence.
  • Concealing or having possession of any weapons, firearms, or explosives while on University premises.
  • Unauthorized use, possession or distribution of intoxicants, illegal drugs, designer drugs, controlled substances; use of or possession of other drugs which would adversely affect an employee's performance on University premises. Reporting for, or being in the workplace, while work under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or the unlawful manufacturing, distribution, dispensation, possession and/or use of a controlled substance.
  • Unauthorized removal or theft of University property or that of other employees or students.
  • Any willful act, careless act, or conduct detrimental to University operations or the safety and rights of other persons on University premises.
  • Excessive or unauthorized use of University telephones for other than University business.
  • Unauthorized use, willful destruction, defacement, or misuse of University vehicles or property, or property of another person on University premises.
  • Substandard work performance.
  • Failure to work assigned schedule.
  • Failure to cooperate in or impeding a University conducted investigation.
  • Violations of Federal, State or local Laws or ordinances.
  • Improper application for, misuse of, or converting a University benefit or privilege for personal gain of employee, or others not entitled, not eligible for the benefit.


The Immigration Control and Reform Act of 1986 makes it unlawful to knowingly hire aliens who are unauthorized to work in the United States. All individuals, including students, who are hired must verify their identity and work authorization by completing the Form I-9 and by being E-Verified, or the employer will be subject to civil fines and penalties. The Act also prohibits discrimination in employment based on national origin or citizenship status. Student-employees have 24 hours from the “start date” of their job assignment to complete section 1 of the I-9 and 72 hours (3 business days) to present the required documents to the designated I-9 E-verifier so he/she may complete section 2 of the I-9.

As of January 4, 2010 we are no longer able to accept paper copies of the Form I-9. Student Employees working for the first time at the University of Miami must complete the electronic Form I-9/E-Verify as part of the Onboarding process in Workday.

Once the student employee completes Section I, the designated E-Verifier will complete Section 2. Section 2 of the Form I-9 requires that individuals verify their identity and authorization to work by presenting original documentation.

As of August 1, 2023 I-9 verifiers can verify Section II of the I-9 form remotely. The student must provide a copy of documentation prior to video call. During the call, student must show documentation on camera.

If documentation was verified remotely, I-9 verifiers must check the checkbox in Section II that states "Check here if you used alternative procedure authorized by DHS to examine documents".

The following are List of Acceptable Documents to verify identity and work authorization. Student employees must present either one document from the following list A or one document from both list B and C:

  • List A: Documents establishing BOTH identity and work authorization (all documents must be unexpired):
    1. United States Passport
    2. Permanent Resident Card or Alien Registration Receipt Card (Form I-551)
    3. Foreign passport that contains a temporary I-551 stamp or temporary I-551 printed notation on a machine-readable immigrant visa
    4. Employment Authorization document that contains a photograph (Form I-766)
    5. In the case of a nonimmigrant alien authorized to work for a specific employer incident to status, a foreign passport with Form I-94 or Form I-94A bearing the same names as the passport and containing an endorsement of the alien's nonimmigrant status, as long as the period of endorsement has not yet expired and the proposed employment is not in conflict with any restrictions or limitations identified on the form.
    6. Passport from the Federal States of Micronesia (FSM) or the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) with Form I-94 or Form I-94A indicating nonimmigrant admission under the Compact of Free Association between the United States and the FSM or RMI
    There are separate provisions applying to minors under the age of 18.
  • Documents providing ONLY IDENTITY:
    1. Driver's License or ID card issued by a State or outlying possession of the United States provided it contains a photograph or information such as name, date of birth, gender, height, eye color, and address.
    2. ID card issued by federal, state, local government agencies or entities provided it contains a photograph or information such as name, date of birth, gender, height, eye color, and address.
    3. School ID Card with photograph
    4. Voter's Registration Card
    5. US Military card or draft record
    6. Military dependent
    7. ID Card United States Coast Guard Merchant Mariner Card
    8. Native American tribal document
    9. Driver's license issued by a Canadian government authority
    10. For persons under age 18 who are unable to present a document listed above:
    11. School record or report card
    12. Clinic, doctor or hospital record
    13. Day-care or nursery school record
  • Documents providing ONLY EMPLOYMENT ELIGIBILITY:
    1. Social Security Account Number card other than one that specifies on the face that the issuance of the card does not authorize employment in the United States
    2. Certification of Birth Abroad issued by the Department of State (Form FS-545)
    3. Certification of Report of Birth issued by the Department of State (Form DS-1350)
    4. Original or certified copy of a birth certificate issued by a State, county, municipal authority or territory of the United States bearing an official seal
    5. Native American tribal document
    6. US Citizen ID Card (INS Form I-197)
Completing the I-9 (Employment Eligibility Verification Form) Form:

Section I must be completed electronically by the student being hired at the time employment begins, the student must complete all the required fields using the link provided.

Section II must be completed by the department's designated E-Verifier. See Immigration Control and Reform Act of 1986 above for a list of acceptable documents.The following are examples that illustrate the correct procedures for completing SECTION II of the I-9 form:

Documents establishing BOTH identity and work authorization:

  • if a US passport, include passport number and expiration date
  • if an unexpired foreign passport, include INS-authorization, passport number, issuing authority, and expiration date
  • if an Alien card, include Alien card number and expiration date

Two documents, one providing only identity and the other providing employment eligibility

  • if a driver's license, include issuing state, license number, and expiration date
  • if a Voter Registration card, include identification number
  • if a signed Social Security card, include social security number
  • if a birth certificate, include registration number

All the dates appearing on the I-9 form must be consistent and must occur before the date the student begins working OR the same date the student begins working.

Tentative Non-Confirmation Status:
In the event that a student employee receives a Tentative Non-Confirmation (TNC) status, the E-Verifier MUST notify the student employee within 3 Federal Government working days and provide him/her with the opportunity to contest. The student will need to come to the Office of Student Financial Assistance and Employment to receive and review the “Further Action Notice.” The Student employee will have the option to Contest or to Not Contest. Both the student employment representative and student employee must sign the documents and a copy must be given to the student employee. Any questions or concerns must be directed to the I-9 representative in the Office of Student Financial Assistance and Employment.

A Student Employee receiving a TNC is authorized to work during the Contest period, and must not be retaliated against in any way in the workplace during this time. Regulations provide that the employee must initiate contact to resolve the TNC with the appropriate government agency (SSA or DHS) within 8 Federal Working Days. Student Employees will not be paid for time off to resolve their case. Any requests for time off must be coordinated in advance with the supervisor. Supervisors are expected to be as accommodating as possible.

Student employees are expected to dress in accordance with the functions and responsibilities of their job duties and respectful of the department or office they represent. Each department and/or office may establish a sensible dress code for student employees, while keeping in mind the employee's dual role as a student at the university. In general, students are not to wear clothing that may be offensive to others or inappropriate for an educational setting. Departments should communicate specific dress codes to their student employees before or soon after the beginning of the work assignment. A student who objects to a specific dress code has the option of looking for positions which may afford a more flexible code.

Employee/employer problems are best resolved at the department level. However, the Office of Student Financial Assistance and Employment is available for consultation on employment disputes.

The following are successful methods for handling problems:

  • Address problems as they arise, not after they accumulate. Deal with minor concerns before they become major problems.
  • Review job responsibilities and the supervisor's expectations in an open discussion. Specify where change or improvement is necessary.
  • Preserve the employee's dignity. Avoid embarrassing the student. Any discussion should occur in a private place.
  • Be fair and objective. Reprimand or discipline based on genuine evidence. Approach the student in a positive way.
  • Be a good listener. It may help to hear the situation explained from the employee's perspective.
  • Exercise restraint and remain in control of the situation. The supervisor's purpose is to educate and to change behavior, not to punish.
  • Establish a specific time period for improvement. After discussing the situation, identify a target date at which time the student's performance will be re-evaluated. Two weeks is a reasonable length of time.
  • Follow-up. If the student's performance improves, an evaluation indicating the improvement will be a big morale booster. Follow termination procedures outlined in this manual if the student fails to improve.

Students involved in incidents that require criminal investigation may be suspended from their current work assignments at the discretion of the Director of Student Employment and/or the Dean of Students. Any student under investigation who has been suspended from classes will be automatically suspended from working until the investigation is completed.

In compliance with established University of Miami Employment of Relatives guidelines, a family member should not directly supervise a student employee or be responsible for evaluating the student employee's work.

If a student is a FWS employee, employment must be changed to Student Assistant or terminated when the student's total financial aid award is earned.

A student's employment may be terminated by the student. If a student intends to resign, reasonable notice should be given to the supervisor.

For circumstances in which a student employee is not performing his/her job in a responsible manner, the following procedures provide an equitable and consistent system for termination. In the event of a termination, these procedures must be used by all employing departments and apply to all student employees. The Office of Student Financial Assistance and Employment will not be responsible for the consequences to any employer who fails to follow these procedures.

Step 1: If the student-employee is not meeting the job responsibilities as defined in writing to the student by the supervising department, the supervisor should send a written reprimand to the student which explains the specific areas of deficiency along with an appointment to meet with the student in an attempt to resolve the problem.

Step 2: Continued unsatisfactory performance, as specified in writing, may result in termination of employment. A written notice of termination must be sent to the student and a Termination/Evaluation form must be completed and sent to the Office of Student Financial Assistance and Employment in the case of FWS assignments.

In cases of insubordination, substance abuse, unexcused absences, and/or unprofessional behavior, a student can be terminated/fired on the spot.

Please review the policies and procedures listed under Student Responsibilities for additional information.

A written evaluation of a student employee's work performance is recommended at the end of every assignment period; however, it is not mandatory (with the exception of the Miami Commitment Program). It is highly recommended that the supervisor let the employee know on a regular basis how she/he is performing the assigned job duties.
The Office of Student Financial Assistance and Employment follows the established University of Miami Human Resources’guidelines regarding gifts to employees. Recognition gifts given to student employees during National Student Employment week and the holidays are considered de minimis factors and are not subject to withholding and reporting but must have a valid university business purpose. Click here for more information on the University's Gift Policy guidelines.

Student employees injured on the job should report the injury immediately to their supervisor. If treatment is needed, they must ask the supervisor for information on where to get treatment. UM supervisors have a list of UM approved medical providers.

Work related injuries must be reported in Workday within 24 hours of the injury or illness. View the Employee Work Injury/Illness Reporting Instructions for more detailed information on reporting the injury or illness.

International students are eligible to work on campus under all employment programs funded by the University of Miami. Federal or state employment programs (e.g., Federal Work Study program) are open only to US citizens or legal residents.

To be eligible for on campus employment, international students must be in valid F-1 status which includes pursuing a full course of study. A full course of study is defined as a minimum of 12 undergraduate credits or 9 graduate credits during fall and spring semesters. International students are not required to be enrolled during the summer unless they are completing their course of study during that period. They may work during the summer provided they have proof of enrollment for the fall. Students in F-1 status may be employed on-campus during the academic year after verification of their employment eligibility through International Student Services.

  1. >Students in F-1 status are eligible for on-campus employment of up to 20 hours per week during fall and spring semesters and up to 40 hours per week during vacation and semester breaks.
  2. Students with F-2 or B-2 status are prohibited by federal regulations from any type of employment.
  3. Students with J-1 status must obtain permission to work on-campus from their program sponsor.
  4. Students with J-2 status must apply to the Immigration and Naturalization Service to receive permission to work. Applications may be arranged through International Student Services.

Non-Degree Seeking exchange students are not eligible to be employed through the Student Employment program.

For questions regarding status or employment for international students, please contact International Student and Scholar Services, 1306 Stanford Drive, Whitten University center, Suite 2275, Coral Gables Campus, (305) 284-2928.

Most students schedule between 10 and 25 hours a week for work.

In order to maximize their academic performance, students are discouraged from working more than 25 hours per week during a period of enrollment. However, a student may work a maximum number of 37.5 hours per week, when classes are not in session (University breaks, etc)*.

Students are expected to adhere to their established work schedule (even during exam periods) as long as it does not interfere with their academic responsibilities. Students may not work during times they are scheduled to be in class. In cases of class cancellation, a student may work by providing reasonable evidence that the class has been cancelled. Employers are expected to be sensitive to students’ academic duties, in particular during periods of exams and school projects. Deviations from the established work schedule should be discussed in advance to ensure agreement by both the student and the supervisor.

During the summer, a student may work if not enrolled, as long as the University has proof of enrollment for the next fall semester. Students should be aware that if they work full-time during the summer, a certain amount of their earnings will be considered as a resource for the next academic year and appropriate taxes will be deducted.

*(special restrictions apply to international students. Please view the International Student section for additional information)

In addition to the job description, students should expect an orientation from their supervisors. Employers take on the role of teacher as well as supervisor when a new employee arrives in the office. Many students need instruction in how to be effective employees, and guidance in how to establish good relationships with co-workers. Students may arrive with little or no job experience and direction in proper office etiquette. A supervisor establishes good working habits, instills a sense of pride in what the student does, and gives the student employee confidence in his/her abilities. An employee’s sense of contribution to the department has a significant effect on job performance and satisfaction.

The supervisor's impact may last long beyond the student's employment in the department. Training can ensure that each student gets a positive start on the job, and may be valuable when the student graduates and enters the job market.

Prospective employers look for verifiable job experience in addition to academic achievement.

The following suggestions may assist in the orientation:

  • Explain to the new employee how the office operates and the general reporting structure. Describe the goals and objectives of the department.
  • Introduce the new employee to co-workers.
  • Describe the student's specific duties and responsibilities. Try to include information about the relationship of the student’s job to the office’s activities. If appropriate, have the student observe other staff members for a brief period. Encourage the student to ask questions.
  • Discuss supervisor expectations of the student's work performance, including quality and quantity standards.
  • Assign a work station. Show the student where to find work assignments and messages, and where to secure personal belongings.
  • Agree on a specific work schedule. Federal Work Study students must complete the Class/Work Schedule form. Supervisors must keep this form for two years after the termination of the student's employment in the department.
  • Summarize in writing the orientation information and/or have a procedures manual to which the student can refer, since information given orally is difficult to remember.
  • Update the student employee regularly on policy and procedure changes or other information that may affect his/her employment.

The Student Employment Job Levels pertains to students paid on an hourly basis at the University of Miami. Whether Federal Work Study (FWS) or Student Assistant program, student employees with the same duties and responsibilities should be compensated within the same job level and pay rate category for the job performed. Offices/Departments must maintain a job description for each and every student employment position. In situations where more than one student is hired for the same job duties and responsibilities (pool position), it's acceptable to develop and maintain one job description. Changes made in job descriptions after positions are filled must be documented in an updated job description.

The hiring department determines pay rates after a careful review of the skills and responsibilities required to perform the job duties. JobX posting procedures include a pay rate worksheet to facilitate establishing appropriate pay rate. Pay levels listed below incorporate degrees of skills, responsibility, and experience and serve as a guideline to establish equitable pay rates across all university departments. In addition, the hiring department may take into consideration the particular student skills, proven job performance, conditions of employment, available pool of students and department needs when establishing a pay rate. The Office of Student Financial Assistance and Employment understands and respects the departmentalized nature of employment at UM. However, in some instances, it will request additional information and/or require a more appropriate pay rate.

Student Employment jobs are part-time and temporary in nature and as such, pay rate increases are not mandatory. However, recognizing student employees for good performance (merit), length of job assignment (seniority), exceptional work behavior and/or increase job expectations (experience) is highly suggested. Departments devise pay raise schedules as their budgets allow, as long as there is documented consistency and fairness in their pay increase practices. In addition, supervisors should recognize that a pay increase is a great incentive for employee satisfaction and job retention. The following job levels are guidelines for departments when determining student pay wages.

Pay Levels serve as guidelines to departments and have been established to maintain fairness and reasonable pay equity for all student employees. As in all competitive job markets, budgets, special demands and other unquiet circumstances, may influence a department's hourly rate offer.

Level Hourly Pay Range Description
A $12.00 - $13.00 Entry level positions. Basic clerical, reception and/or office duties. Minimum experience or training required. Close supervision. Duties include mostly routine or repetitious work.
B $13.01- $14.00 Responsibilities require some previous experience or training. Supervision will be available but student will be expected to work independently. Duties include routine work with some variation and/or the need for decision making. Moderate to minimum supervision is provided.
C $14.01 - $15.00 Responsibilities require significant training or experience. Students work with little day to day supervision on self-directed tasks in critical and/or essential matters.
D $15.01 - $16.00 Responsibilities require advanced training and/or certification. Previous work related experience absolutely necessary. Position requires extensive knowledge of an area of specialized knowledge and/or skill. Projects are self-directed with minimum supervision.
E $16.01 and above Special approval from the Director of Student Employment is required.

Unless otherwise specified, on-campus student employment jobs should be reasonably performed within the University community (campus’ perimeters). If the job requires that the student employee travels outside of campus, the hiring department should contact the Department of Risk Management for guidelines pertaining to liability information.

Students who use their own vehicles when travel are required in connection with their employment (excluding travel to and from work) are covered under Worker’s Compensation. Departments who wish to reimburse students for business travel may do so by reporting the mileage on a Business Expense Reimbursement Form (Stock # 331260). Students will be reimbursed based on the University’s standard mileage allowance. Reimbursements cannot be charged to the Federal Work Study Program.

If a student is using his or her auto to perform travel on behalf of the University, the vehicle must be insured for automobile liability with minimum limits of $25,000/$50,000 for bodily injury and property damage. The University’s automobile liability would be excess of the employee’s coverage. The student is expected to purchase his or her own collision coverage.

If the student spends more than 20% of her or his time engaged in business travel, a motor vehicle check is mandatory. In order to accomplish this, a photocopy of the student’s driver’s license must be sent to Risk Management. For more information, contact Risk Management at (305) 284-3163.

Students must be admitted to a degree program at UM and enrolled at least half-time during periods of enrollment (fall and spring) to be eligible to work as a student employee. During periods of non-enrollment, i.e. summer, the student must be degree admitted and matriculated (if new student to UM) and enrolled for the following semester. Social security number must be recorded in Canelink or updated at the University Registrar’s Office if not available during the admission’s process.  If these conditions are met, the student pre-hire record is created in Workday through integration with Canelink within 24 hours. Work program eligibility (i.e. Federal Work Study) is available in the pre-hire record.

If a pre-hire record is not available in Workday, you may call the Office of Student Financial Assistance and Employment for assistance regarding status of enrollment.

The Office of Student Financial Assistance and Employment does not oversee university policy regarding volunteering.  However, it’s understood that when a student is engaged in the performance of services for a academic unit/department/office, there should either be compensation (payment as a student employee) or required and documented academic benefit (credit).

Any student who is employed by the University either full or part-time and who receives a University paycheck is protected by the Worker's Compensation and Occupational Disease Act of Florida.

Accidents involving University employees are covered by Worker's Compensation Insurance if any injury occurs while the employee is carrying out assigned duties. This protection extends to travel in a privately owned vehicle, only when the travel is directly related to the employee’s job (excludes travel to and from work).

A student who works for an off-campus employer is covered under that employer’s Worker’s Compensation Insurance and should notify the supervisor in the event of an injury.

All injuries must be reported immediately (within 24 hours) by the injured employee to his/her supervisor. Failure to report an injury within 24 hours may result in a loss of benefits.

Worker's Compensation claims for on-campus employees are processed by the Department of Risk Management, (305) 284-3163. For procedures following an injury, see Injuries on the job.

Student-employees with job descriptions that include supervision, care and/or contact with minors (other than University of Miami students) must complete a LEVEL 2 Background Check which includes criminal background check and fingerprinting PRIOR to hiring into the position. Student managers must complete the Level 2 Background Check Form. The student may NOT be hired in Workday for that position until the LEVEL 2 background check is completed and cleared.